What Patients Should Know About Healing After Laser Skin Resurfacing

The face plastic surgery is successful, non-surgical techniques such as laser Skin resurfacing near me San Antonio can eliminate lines and wrinkles without the need for incisions or scars. Dr. Constance Barona’s San Antonio practice is delighted to provide the procedure, as well as a variety of other non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures.

High levels of Wrinkle removal near me San Antonio, as well as adequate after-care, are required for the greatest results. Let's take a look at what it's like to recuperate following laser skin resurfacing.

Will Workplace Time Off Be Required?

Yes. When recovering from Breast Augmentation near me San Antonio  to the Microneedling near me San Antonio It's common to take a week off work.

While laser skin resurfacing is a non-surgical process, your skin will peel and be very sensitive afterwards. These are common side effects, albeit they may be unappealing to some on a cosmetic level.


What to Expect During the Initial Recovery Period

Patients will notice that their skin is pink, puffy, or blistered in the days following laser skin resurfacing. Patients have likened it to a bad case of sunburn. This is a normal component of the healing process that can be readily addressed.


Picking or scratching your skin is not a good idea.

Your skin will develop crusts and scabbing in small dots as you recuperate. Picking or scratching these might result in scars, so be careful.


Rinse your face on a regular basis.

During your rehabilitation, you'll be given specific instructions on how to keep your face clean. Follow the directions carefully and use the cleaning solution provided.


Pain and Swelling Management

After laser skin resurfacing, discomfort and swelling are frequent. Cold compresses, when used as suggested, can assist to relieve this discomfort. In most cases, pain medications are not required. You can also try Mommy Makeover near me San Antonio.


Stay out of the sun.

The sun may wreak havoc on your skin while it heals. It's best to avoid extended and direct sun exposure in the days after your laser skin resurfacing treatment to guarantee the best possible recovery results. Cover up when you're out in the sun in the first few weeks after you've healed, and apply sun block to protect your skin.


Strenuous Physical Activities Should Be Avoided

It's best to avoid strenuous physical activities while recovering after laser skin resurfacing unless your doctor advises differently. Yoga, exercise, heavy lifting, and sexual activity are all examples of this.


Attend all follow-up appointments that have been scheduled

Patients return to the practice for follow-up visits to ensure proper recovery and optimal results. It's critical that patients attend all of their follow-up appointments on time to guarantee appropriate recovery and avoid major consequences.


Mommy Makeover near me San Antonio Advantages

From the lips to the legs, laser hair removal can take care of any unwanted hair on your body. Our laser can treat delicate areas (such as the bikini and Brazilian) and removes your hairiest issues in a gentle manner.



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